Samsung Smartthings App Mac Air

Hi, I am having the same issue with my Smart Home app being unable to connect to my new Samsung air conditioner. I specifically asked for an air-conditioner that I could control remotely so I could turn it on when I decide to come home and hence am most frustrated. The app keeps saying: 'Notification: No Indoor Unit 'Product details.

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When a user chooses to install your SmartApp, they will be guided through the installation process via configuration screens.

The configuration process will provide the user with basic information about the app, as well as request any information or access to devices the app may request.This process triggers the CONFIGURATION lifecycle event.

Your app must handle the CONFIGURATION lifecycle by:

  • Providing basic information about the app itself.
  • Providing the configuration data that represents the information needed from the user to install your app.

CONFIGURATION request basics

During the CONFIGURATION lifecycle, your app will receive a request with a JSON payload with a lifecycle of 'CONFIGURATION' and a configurationData object.

The CONFIGURATION lifecycle has two phases: INITIALIZE and PAGE, which are discussed in detail below.

The contents of configurationData will vary depending on the phase and any configuration inputs already entered by the user.

The general flow of the CONFIGURATION phase is shown below (for a two-page configuration process):


The INITIALIZE phase occurs at the beginning of the CONFIGURATION lifecycle, as the user begins the installation and configuration process.

During the INITIALIZE phase, your SmartApp will receive a request with a JSON payload:

Your app must respond with JSON specifying basic information about your app, including the permissions required to configure it, and the ID of the first configuration page.

An example response for a SmartApp that requires configuration access to a user's devices and the ability to gather scheduling data might look like:

The id must be unique among any other settings as defined below.

You should specify the permissions your app will need during the install process.See Authorization and Permissions for more information about permissions.

PAGE phase

All information that the user may configure for your app is organized in pages.A SmartApp may have one to many pages.

For each defined page, the PAGE phase of a CONFIGURATION lifecycle will occur.

During the PAGE phase, your app will receive a request with a JSON payload like:

As the user progresses through pages, each page will generate a CONFIGURATION lifecycle event, and the requested page can be found in the configurationData object on the request.Your SmartApp is responsible for responding with the configuration data for the requested page.

A page must specify complete: true to indicate it is the last page in the configuration process.

Sections and settings

Each page is composed of one or more sections, each containing a settings array with one or more setting(s).

An example response to a CONFIGURATION lifecycle request for a single-page configuration would look like:

Multiple pages

If your app requires multiple configuration pages, each response to the CONFIGURATION lifecycle should specify nextPageId, previousPageId, and complete as necessary. A CONFIGURATION request will be made to your app for each page, based upon the nextPageId and previousPageId.

An example response to a CONFIGURATION lifecycle request for the first page of a two-page configuration would look like:

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Upon advancing to the second page, another CONFIGURATION lifecycle event occurs, and our app would respond to this request:

The last page must specify complete: true to indicate that the SmartApp configuration will be completed on this page.


Each section is composed of one or more settings, which define the type of information to gather from the user (or, in the case of the paragraph setting, display-only information).

The type of setting is denoted by the type field in the setting object.

NOTE : The settings array must be inside a sections array.

Device setting

Use a DEVICE setting when your app requires the user to select one or more devices.

Devices that match the specified capabilities will be eligible for selection.If multiple values are specified, only devices matching all requested capabilities will be eligible.

NOTE : When the user subscribes to a Capability and selects the device(s), in the SmartApp, while receiving the device events, the type of the value will correspond to the attribute type defined in the Capability.

Your app should specify the appropriate permissions it requires of the device via the permissions field.The available permission values are:

'r'Read access. The app may read device attributes, but not execute commands on the device.
'x'Execute access. The app may execute command on the device.
'w'Write access. The app may update data about the device itself.

Permissions are independent (i.e., Execute permission does not also grant read permission), and multiple permissions may be specified.

Text setting

Use the TEXT setting when your app requires free-form text input.

BOOLEAN setting

Use the BOOLEAN setting when your app requires a true/false input.

ENUM setting

The ENUM setting can be used to allow the user to select one or more options from a predefined list.

An ENUM setting may also group a set of its options by specifying groupedOptions:

LINK setting

Use the LINK setting when your app needs to provide a link to an external resource.

PAGE setting

The PAGE setting allows the user to jump to a specific configuration page.

IMAGE setting

The IMAGE setting allows for the display of an image.The height and width are specified in pixels.

ICON setting

Use the ICON setting to display an icon.

TIME setting

Use the TIME setting to allow the user to input a specified time.


Use the PARAGRAPH setting to display some text to the user.

EMAIL setting

Samsung Smartthings For Mac

Use the EMAIL setting to request an email address from the user.

DECIMAL setting

Use the DECIMAL setting to request a decimal value from the user.

NUMBER setting

Use the NUMBER setting to request a number value from the user.

PHONE setting

Use the PHONE setting to request a phone number from the user.

OAUTH setting

Use the OAUTH setting when your app requires OAuth authentication with a third-party service.The urlTemplate is a URL template that will be used as the callback URL during the OAuth flow with the third-party.The OAuth callback parameter must have the URL encoded value of the OAuth callback url for SmartThings Cloud: ''.

NOTE : All settings values, regardless of their value type, are sent as strings.

If your authorization scenario requires you to intercept and append additional data to the callback URL, you must not modify or remove the state parameter. For your SmartApp to receive additional linking data, you may include additional parameters, ensuring that state remains intact. This allows SmartThings to route your additional parameter data back to your SmartApp. These parameters can have any name, excluding state. It is recommended to Base64Encode the parameter values.

NOTE : state is an opaque value used by the client to maintain state between the request and callback. The authorization server includes this value when redirecting the user-agent back to the client. See the OAuth 2.0 specification.

Upon receiving your OAuth callback data event, your SmartApp can parse the extra data parameters from the urlPath property to retrieve these parameters from the callback.

Getting settings values during configuration

All input values for previously completed pages are available on the request.

Each setting value is stored in the config object of the configurationData object.The field name is the setting ID.

All settings values, regardless of their value type, are sent as strings.

Consider the case of a two-page configuration, where the user has entered in a value for setting on the first page with ID 'minutes'.When the user advances to the second page, the request to the SmartApp would look like:

Note that all config entries are stored as arrays; in the case of single-entry settings this will be a one-item array.Multiple-entry settings (e.g., selecting multiple devices for a single setting) will contain all configured inputs.

Configuration value types

Configuration values may be one of two types, as denoted by the valueType: STRING or DEVICE.Each value type is associated with a config object for that type as summarized in the following table:

Value typeConfig name


Any non-device setting type entered by the user will be returned as a STRING type, with a stringConfig object containing the value entered.

Recall that all non-device setting inputs, regardless of their type, are stored as strings.


Devices selected by the user will be returned as a DEVICE type, with a deviceConfig object containing information about the device selected:

Settings dependencies

In some circumstances, the presence of, or available options for, one setting may depend on the value chosen for another setting.In these cases, your app can inspect the value(s) entered for a given setting and return the appropriate configuration data given the previously-entered value.

Samsung Smartthing App Mac

Consider the scenario for a SmartApp that turns a light on when a chosen triggering event occurs.For example, the user may wish to turn the light on when a contact sensor is opened, or when motion is detected.

The following Node.js example shows how this may be accomplished.