Open Source Qualitative Analysis Software Mac

AQUAD 8 for qualitative and quantitative text analysis (free/open source, according to the conditions of GNU GPL v.3), complemented by separate modules for the analysis of sound recordings, videos, and graphic material, was revised using LAZARUS 1.8.4 / FPC-Version 3.0.4. The version for Windows of AQUAD 8 shows, prints, copies, etc. Mar 19, 2020  Another guide, “Qualitative Data Analysis Software,” has resource pages on “Free Software” and “Web-based Software.” While each software does not always have an open source alternative, this list provides a few options that may work with your project. Dovetail is a new qualitative research analysis and collaboration tool designed specifically to analyse free text survey answers. We’re not open source, but we do run on Mac because we’re cloud-based.

What is MAXQDA

MAXQDA is a world-leading software package for qualitative and mixed methods research. Analyze all kinds of data – from texts to images and audio/video files, websites, tweets, focus group discussions, survey responses, and much more. Developed by and for researchers, MAXQDA is at once powerful and easy-to-use, innovative and user-friendly, as well as the only leading QDA software that is 100% identical on Windows and Mac.

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I spent several months researching the options, and ultimately decided to trial MAXQDA. We brought in a MAXQDA certified trainer, and bought a network license so that our large team at Microsoft could use the tool. We were not disappointed[…]
I was so convinced in its efficacy in the applied qualitative field that I bought MAXQDA for my team when I joined Amazon. I was especially delighted when they recently added the Stats package, which allows us to avoid the extra expense of buying SPSS.

Sam Ladner, Ph.D.Open Source Qualitative Analysis Software Mac

Open Source Qualitative Analysis Software

Senior UX Researcher, Amazon
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AQUAD 8 for qualitative and quantitative text analysis (free/open source, according to the conditions of GNU GPL v.3), complemented by separate modules for the analysis of sound recordings, videos, and graphic material, was revised using LAZARUS 1.8.4 / FPC-Version 3.0.4. The version for Windows of AQUAD 8 shows, prints, copies, etc. results with the built-in editor „notepad.exe“. Numeric results (eg., code frequencies or word frequencies) are stored in CSV-tables.

The separate module aquad-eda.exe contains software scripts in „R“ for exploratory data analysis. During the installation of AQUAD 8 you are asked to enter the path for the RGui-module, therefore you have to download and install the R statistical package in addition.

Open Source Qualitative Analysis Software Mac Download

Due to the revision the software is now in principle running also on Linux and Mac-OS machines, however the source code still needs some adaptations (eg., definitions of directories; integration of an alternative text editor) and, of course, it has to be compiled on these platforms.

If you are interested to assist in transporting AQUAD 8 to Linux and Mac-OS you are invited to join a team and to ask for the source code.

A full feature list of AQUAD 8 can be found on the informationen and features page. AQUAD 8 allows to analyze all kinds of qualitative data:

  • within the framework of the code-paradigm,
  • with Boolean minimization to identify types and
  • by means of textual sequence-analysis to reconstruct case structures based on strict hypothesis testing (following the approach of objective hermeneutics).
  • An interface with the statistical software „R“ (open source) allows to combine qualitative and quantitative analyses; the scripts were modified and more scripts were added to the module aquad8-eda.

Open Source Qualitative Analysis Software Mac Pro

AQUAD supports the following data types:

  • texts of any kind (*.txt; e.g. transcripts of social interactions, letters, documents, …)
  • audio-data (*.mp3; *.wav; e.g. interview recordings)
  • video-data (*.mp4; *.avi; e.g. observations)
  • pictures (*.jpg; *.bmp; e.g. photos, drawings)

Stepwise we will add more pre-constructed scripts for the open-source statistical software package R, which will enable users to realize combined quantitative-qualitative analyses. Besides pre-configured analyses, the plugin offers to use one’s own written R scripts.

Open Source Qualitative Analysis Software Mac Free

AQUAD 7 is still available on demand.