Mac Safari Browser Css Hack

In the Safari app on your Mac, do any of the following. Change the items in the toolbar: Choose View Customize Toolbar, then add, remove, and rearrange toolbar items by dragging them.For example, you can add an iCloud Tabs button that shows a list of webpages open on your other devices that have Safari turned on in iCloud preferences. Quickly rearrange toolbar buttons: Press and hold the. Aug 31, 2015  Creating a CSS file. Since the current version of TextEdit, the built-in text editor in Mac OS X, doesn’t allow saving “.txt” files in its default configuration, there are three options to. Browserhacks is mostly based on the big list of CSS browser hacks by Paul Irish. Other posts like Moving IE specific CSS to media blocks by Keith Clark, Detecting browsers with JS hacks by Gareth Eyes and IE CSS hacks by Nicolas Gallagher greatly helped. Many thanks to Jeff Clayton for his help with the tests and the creation of new hacks.

Text Size

A security researcher has discovered a new so-called “text bomb” that can cause iOS and other devices to kernel panic and forcibly restart.

Sabri Haddouche (@pwnsdx) on Saturday tweeted a link to a webpage containing a proof-of-concept attack, dubbed “Safari Reaper.”

The webpage contains a small snippet of HTML/CSS that can crash iOS devices — as well as Macs and other devices — if opened in a web browser.

In other words, an impacted device or will freeze up and reboot if the site is visited. In other more mild cases, it won’t cause a reboot but can force a “respring” of the user interface.

How to force restart any iOS device with just CSS? 💣



— Sabri (@pwnsdx) September 15, 2018

How Does Safari Reaper Work?

The attack takes advantage of a flaw in Safari’s WebKit webpage rendering engine that can cause an impacted device to become overloaded. Basically, the attack involves nesting a lot of elements — in Haddouche’s case, over 3,000 <div> tags — in a backdrop filter property in CSS.

Because the attack relies on CSS, it can theoretically be hiding in any normal webpage. While it can’t be shared via SMS text message like some text bombs, the attack could hypothetically be embedded within an HTML email message. That could crash a device if that email is opened.

That is, essentially, hiding thousands of elements in a single line of code. And when a web browser goes to render the webpage with that code, it’ll use up all of a device’s memory resources and cause a kernel panic.

The attack has been shown to impact basically every recent version of Apple’s mobile operating system, from iOS 7 to the newly released iOS 12. Haddouche notes that the code affects “anything that renders HTML on iOS” — meaning that social media apps like Twitter and Facebook could be impacted by it.

The code can also crash and reboot macOS devices if the link is opened in Safari. According to at least one user, Safari on Mac may also attempt to automatically bring up the text bomb webpage again once the computer restarts. That could, in theory, cause perpetual crashing for some users.

Twitter user Robert Petersen also seemed to demonstrate that Apple Watch devices can also be affected if the webpage is opened in Safari.

Should You Be Worried?

Like most text bombs, the CSS attack is annoying and inconvenient. But thankfully, there’s little risk of long-term damage and your private data can’t be stolen.

The security researcher shared his findings with Apple on Friday. It’s likely that the Cupertino tech giant is currently investigating the problem and will release a fix in a future update.

But until a patch is introduced, there’s little that can be done to avoid the kernel panic or reboots.


As always, be vigilant about unsolicited links. If you’re having trouble getting a device to restart without crashing perpetually, try disconnecting it from the internet.

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If you know CSS, you know that the above just seems to good to be true. Well, it is!

Css Browser Support

Mac Safari Browser Css Hack

You really can’t make this happen without a little JavaScript. But, with a little JS, we can make our CSS much more complete.

Let’s imagine that we wanted to apply a whole bunch of CSS rules to Mac OS X browsers only. Wouldn’t it be great if we could just do something like:

Ideally, this would force all Mac OS X browsers to style paragraph tags with a 2em line height.

Well, as I said before, with a little JavaScript, we can actually make this possible. The below example uses jQuery.

Essentially, we’re adding the mac-os class name to your body tag if a Mac OS operating system is detected, which makes the above CSS rules possible!

Css Safari Only

Quick Tips

Mac Safari Browser Css Hacked

  1. You may not have the jQuery library loaded, in which case, this is easily done with “traditional” JavaScript:document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].className += ' mac-os';
  2. If you wish to target only Webkit browsers on the Mac (Safari and Chrome), you can couple this tip with webkit’s proprietary media query as follows:
  3. Similarly, if you wanted specific styles to target individual Mac browsers, you could do the following:

    Then, within your CSS, you’re able to do something like the following:

  4. Although these tricks may do the job, they may cause issues for you down the line. It may make sense to “reset” your CSS styles first. Each browser has a different set of defaults styles for each element (some might have a line height of 1em for paragraph tags while others have 1.25 em as the height).The best way to ensure consistency is to first set a base style for all elements. This technique is popular within WordPress themes but can be done easily by adding this one line of CSS to the beginning of your stylesheet:
    Minified CSS reset styles