How To Hack Into A Wifi Network Mac

  • Nov 25, 2018  This new WiFi hacking method could potentially allow attackers to recover the Pre-shared Key (PSK) login passwords, allowing them to hack into your Wi-Fi network and eavesdrop on the Internet communications.
  • Nov 27, 2015  Method 2: Hack The Password Of Targeted WiFi Network Manually Using WPSPin + JumpStart. In this method, we use Dumpper to scan and get WPS Pin, then using them to connect manually to the WiFi Network using JumpStart. This is quicker and more effective.

Getting a WiFi connection is a major concern once you are addicted to the web and mostly in the online world. When we hear the term hack, it strikes in our mind that it is the job of a high-end technology guy or a hacker. But to “hack WiFi password”, you don’t need to be a skilled technologist because even a non-technical guy can do it with some tricks and methods.

Most people have asked me the procedure to crack WiFi passwords, so today I am here with the solution and tricks for internet hack free WiFi from the major providers like AT&T, Comcast, and Xfinity.

P.S. The WiFi password hacker tools are meant for fun/general purpose only and do not contain any functionality to attempt criminal acts. Therefore, you should be very cautious while operating them.

Wifi Hacker tools

(1) WiFi Hacker

How To Hack Into A Wifi Network Mac

How to hack your own Wi-Fi network Free (or almost free) Wi-Fi penetration testing tools can help you spot potential Wi-Fi security vulnerabilities and figure out ways to protect against them.

WiFi Hacker is a simple and informal tool that makes hacking WiFi easy and safe without having required any technical knowledge. This software can crack WiFi passwords with some clicks and hack unlimited WiFi networks. WiFi Hacker gives you access to multiple offices or school wifi networks, including Comcast, AT&T, etc. which are equipped with tighter security. You can hack any locked password within minutes and anonymously because WiFi Hacker conceals your identity and personal information.

How to hack a WiFi password with WiFi Hacker?

WiFi Hacker performs a search operation of the open/ password protected wireless networks available in your area and connects to them. Once a connection is recognized, WiFi Hackers start finding the packets. On gaining the encrypted packets, it attempts a number of attacks to obtain the password and decrypts it using numerical attacks. Cracking the network always depends on the duration and the security level of the password being worked upon.

(2) WiFi Crack

WiFi Crack is a cross-platform tool which can hack any WiFi network with WEP security. This Mac OS X application guides you through a step-by-step process of cracking the security of a WEP based network and helps you crack it seamlessly.

How to hack WiFi password with WiFi Crack?

WiFi Crack chooses the specified WiFi networks and launches the powerful command line tools to obtain the wireless packets and get the WEP password. The password procurement process takes several minutes depending on the security of the network, but WiFi Crack keeps attempting unless the password is found. So if you are a Mac OS X user, the WiFi Crack is the tool to bypass wifi password.

How to hack WiFi passwords using Android?

Hack Into Wifi Network Password

How To Hack Into A Wifi Network Mac

How To Break Into Wifi

Besides using your computer, you can also use your Android device to hack a WiFi passcode. In this process, you can hack WPA2 WPS Routers, but make sure that your Android phone is rooted and consists of Cyanogen ROM.

  • Download and install bcmon to get assisted in a monitoring mode in your Broadcom chipset and avail PIN cracking.
  • Launch the app > Tap on the ‘monitor mode’ option.
  • Download and install Reaver app to crack the WPS Pin and retrieve the WPA2 Passphrase.
  • Launch the app and confirm the action provided on the screen.
  • Verify your settings and ensure that you checked the Automatic Advanced settings box.
  • Begin the hacking process by tapping on ‘Start Attack’.

It will take approximate 2-10 hours for the cracking process to complete.

How to get WiFi password with Penetrate Pro?

Penetrate Pro can decode WEP/WPA keys for numerous routers like Discus, BBox, Thomson, Orange, BigPond, etc. Though the app is not available in the Play Store due to changes in policies, you can download the apk file from On accessing the app, your anti-virus might detect this application as a virus, so simply ignore it to prevent any effect in your phone.

For WiFi password hack with Penetrate Pro, follow these steps:

  • Download and install Penetrate Pro.
  • Launch the application and you will find the window displaying the available WiFi networks.
  • You need to change the target if any notification displays saying ‘Reversible: 0 found.’
  • Enable the option ‘Get keys from the web’ by going to Settings.
  • If you got a reversible router and tap on the network to obtain the WiFi keys.
  • Tap on the key to copy it and open WiFi menu to connect with the code.

How to steal WiFi with WPS Wireless Scanner? (Android)

Hacking Into Wifi Networks

WPS Wireless Scanner is an Android app and a simple way to break WiFi password by scanning the wireless networks with WPS filters. The application scans for the nearest WiFi connections with different modes like normal scan, fast/slow scan, turbo scan, etc. and displays the network status with detailed information. You can find the open WiFi networks and access them by clicking on the open network.

To hack someone’s WiFi with WPS Wireless Scanner, follow these steps:

  • Install WPS Wireless Scanner on your Android device.
  • Launch the app and it will automatically scan for the WPS wireless networks.
  • Click on the network that you want to hack.
  • Note down the eight-digit PIN provided.
  • Open your PC/laptop and enter the eight-digit PIN in the password field.
  • You have successfully cracked the WiFi network.

WPS Wireless Scanner is an effective WiFi password cracker that can be downloaded from the Google Play Store.

Use iWep Pro 8 to crack WiFi passwords (iOS)

Hack Secure Wifi Network Password

iWep Pro 8 is an iPhone app that can check for vulnerabilities in your routers and offers various tools and techniques to check whether your router is open to the key calculation. You can find a supported router’s WEP/WPA key by simply clicking on them. iWep Pro 8 scans through the available WiFi networks and attempts to detect the password. The application runs on iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch devices.