Css Hack For Mac Safari Only

i'm not a big fan of hacks, but i need a hack to target safari specifically. on a site i'm developing, the scrollbar is in the right place in everything BUT safari, which renders the bar half off the screen. the site is

Css target safari only

Only suckers buy out of date machines. You're not a sucker, are you sir? CSS hack to target safari? It's messed up in FF/Mac as well (for me anyway). Safari 1.3 and FF 1.0.4 show the same thing.Edit - photos and comments deleted to preserve any remaining credibility. CSS hack for Safari Browser - BurnIgnorance In the current situation it’s a challenging task for the web developers to build websites which is compatible with different and popular browsers available (like IE, Firefox, Mozilla, Safari, Google Crome, Opera etc).

Safari Specific Css


does it have something to do with the fact that there's a horizontal scrollbar in firefox? i can't seem to get rid of it. if there's something that can be done about that as well, i'm all ears.

Css Target Safari Only

i know that i don't have a full doctype, and that the code is a mess, but it's a redesign and i'm not really getting paid enough to clean everything up.